
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

It's Go Time (The Very Much So Shortened Short Short Version)

The day finally came- Monday, August 13. The day I was looking forward to as well as dreading. Got to the airport with two of my brothers and my dad. All was pretty standard. The first stop was signing for your teudat zehut. I felt like I was signing my life away... no going back now baby!
Did the usual airport to do, no celebratory champagne yet.
While I was waiting on line to check in with my dad, I did the standard somewhat judgmental look around to see who is making this life changing adventure with me. As someone who very much appreciates a stylish outfit, the question of who looks better me or them was very much on my mind. As I was looking around all I saw were people and their dogs. Lots of dogs. It was like over night the new rule to get on this flight was it's a "Dog and Me" aliyah flight, you can't come dog-less. Very important side point, I hate dogs. When I see a dog I see myself in it's mouth. Clearly this was a conspiracy against me. Suddenly I wasn't nervous about moving straight into the Middle East conflict or leaving my family and starting anew or going to a college that speaks a language I don't understand. No no, the fear was now I am going to get eaten alive by a dog.
When it was my turn to check my bags in, my dad asked if I was sitting next to a dog. I told you this was a very serious concern. I would take it as a very bad sign if my seat was next to Fluffy. Thankfully the answer was no, so the aliyah procedure was no longer put on halt.

This is more of a what happens after my aliyah venting session blog, so to make a long and boring story short, I made it to Israel. Clearly.

Thanks Facebook friends for giving me 123 likes, it's as if you know I have number OCD. Much appreciated!
Standard flight. Very exciting. Wish I could say more then I listened to my iPod, practically bit my nails off and was shaking like a leaf.
Unfortunately or fortunately I was in such a daze. I do remember waiting for an interview when we landed (YES I DID IT FOR ALL OF MY BIGGEST FANS IN AMERICA) but I was knocked over by some army unit of a family. So if you saw a huge family being interviewed and then saw some neb jumping up and down in the back, that would be yours truly.

Why write about it when you can see some highlights in this handy dandy video.
I am the one who can't decide if I like wearing my glasses or not

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