I never knew my life was so suspenseful. I really do pity the people that are impatiently waiting by their computers, laptops, iPhones, blackberries (and if you have a blackberry I double pity you), iPods with wifi, iPads (oh to live in the 21st century) to see if my drawers have arrived.
Well good news they have! Bad news they are teeny tiny. I guess that is the gamble of ordering online.
The guy called me on Sunday at 12 o'clock asking for directions. As I started telling him he said he actually knows where he was and hung up.
I figured he would be by me soon so I did the ritual of hiding under the table and covering my ears since the buzz for our apartment can seriously give someone a heart attack. Please, whenever you come visit me I will happily give you the code, you know, for the sake of my health.
Anyways, an hour passed and he still wasn't by me. There is really nothing to do around where I live. I have absolutely no idea what was taking him so long.
I called him back twice and told him I'm the loser waiting for the drawers and he hung up on me both times.
Visions of Maya kept creeping in my head.
Clearly Hashem loves me because he finally came with the worlds smallest drawers.
Oh, and he was s-w-e-a-t-i-n-g (good job, that does spell sweating) and told me he was walking with the drawers.
Why? Perhaps Home Center can't supply their employees with a delivery truck.
That place is so beyond my comprehension I can't even begin to ask why.
Sorry for all the pestering comments about the drawers. I only just found this post. Titchadshi! xxx